Sometimes, things just happen...
Don't use this battery.
You make funny noises on occasion, as all things seem to do, but sometimes, you surprise me :)
beep blurble beep pip pip pip pip pip beeeeep tunk
An unwanted accessory in a crime able to only be comitted in the larceny of its power.
Is there a DSM-IV for technology?
Posted on 14 June 2015 by andyrew — 1 min
This is the 17th shot of 25 that I made over the course of four different trips via that clover-curve.
One might say that stationary observation often produces efficient results, but I tend to like a little pepper in my mushed potaters...
Posted on 29 June 2013 by andyrew — 1 min
Let your heart be your guide
Let your heart be your guide. Just go back and put one little more happy tree in there. Look at them little rascals.
Posted on 01 January 1999 by andyrew — 2 min
Jelly sesame snaps
Jelly sesame snaps gingerbread cake caramels icing. Ice cream cupcake sweet tart biscuit bear claw brownie sweet roll. Chupa chups pie caramels gummies gummies jelly-o cake apple pie tiramisu. Cake sweet roll gingerbread soufflé
Posted on 01 January 1999 by andyrew — 1 min