
Pounding Pansies

When Barbara said we were gana pound pansies this past Saturday, I just had to have her reiterate, 'cause, well, I had no idea...

So, you pluck some pansy/viola blooms…

Using a rubber mallet, one basically pounds the blooms between watercolor paper and parchment paper, transferring the colour from teh blooms into the absorptive paper, effectively creating an instant print!

Posted on 20 March 2016 by andyrew 1 min

making suet @Hillside, Inc.


Saturday, Barbara brought everything together that the kids could make decorative bird feeders from scratch.

Anna and I did what we could to help make Barbara's vision a success.

I forget the exact recipes, and I did not photograph much as my hands were otherwise occupied :)

Posted on 18 January 2016 by andyrew 2 min


Successful run of frames made these past few weeks.

Three I raffled as gifts at our Co. X-Mess party, and three I made for gifts of choice.

Posted on 30 December 2015 by andyrew 2 min


I'm fascinated by the elemental gifts of the Earth.

Particularly attractive is in how versatile they can be--singularly, and in the aggregate--in the construction of entirely new things.

Arriving home this afternoon, a stark contrast was apparent: my walk and stoop had been power-washed!

Posted on 20 June 2015 by andyrew 6 min

Buxus sempervirens

Grown on a hillside in North Carolina, these American boxwoods are a staple in our plantings.

I can't more eloquently describe the effect they have on a person as others have done, so I'll just share how I plant 'em.

Posted on 06 June 2015 by andyrew 4 min


So, today, we planted seven American boxwoods, two 5' climbing hydrangeas, and laid fourteen+ pallets of zoysia sod...add this to the 100+ already planted that you might understand the true thirstiness of a two acre piece of land, planned as it is.

Many of our customers elect to have a well drilled which serves as a water source for the irrigation which helps satisfy the thirst of the many plants their property will support.

Posted on 05 June 2015 by andyrew 3 min

Salsa Verde

So, teh dry is upon us once again, and this means great weather for peppers and tomatillos.

In celebration, I always make a coupola gallons of my own version of salsa verde.

Posted on 14 September 2013 by andyrew 2 min